The iVent Pro platform has a number of authorisation groups. Users are assigned to these groups and are given all the permissions associated with that authorisation group.
Venue Owner
A venue owner has the highest levels of permissions in the iVent Pro platform. This user will have permission to create users and assign permissions, including Venue Admins which share similar permissions. iVent Staff members have Venue Owner access and usually one client contact has Venue Owner access so they can create Venue Admins. Venue Owners have access to key modules such as Reports and Venue (where the overall site settings can be managed).
Venue Admin
A venue admin has the highest levels of permissions in the iVent Pro platform. This user will have permission to create users and assign permissions, up to the level of Event Admin. Venue Admins cannot assign Venue Admin level access to others. Venue Admins have access to key modules such as Reports and Venue (where the overall site settings can be managed). The key difference between Venue Admins and Venue Owners is that Venue Admins cannot assign Venue Admin level access to others.
Event Admin
An event admin only has admin access to manage the event they have been assigned. This is generally managed by a Venue Admin or higher, by assigning Event Admin status to a user in the Users module and then assigning that user to an Event in the Events module. Event Admins do not have access to the User module so cannot create new users of any type. They also do not have access to modules such as Reports or Venue. Event admins can access the Events module but can only access the Event/s they have been assigned to.
Booth Admin
A booth admin only has admin access to manage the booth they have been assigned. This is generally managed by an Event Admin or higher, by assigning Booth Admin status to a user in the Users module and then assigning that user to a Booth in the Booths module. Booth Admins do not have access to the User module so cannot create new users of any type. They do not have access to any of the admin modules such as Events and Reports. Booth Admins can access the Booths module but can only access the Booth/s they have been assigned to.
Chat Admin
Chat admins have access to the Q&A tab on all Chats. They can be assigned as a Moderator on specific chats (see Moderator role) and they do not have access to any Admin modules.
Regular User
Regular users have no authorisation group assigned. A regular user account can be created via the registration sign up process or by an admin using the 'Users' module. They are not part of any authorisation group and therefore do not have any permissions, other than to access the available content on the event they are registered to.
Additional Roles
Presenter - Presenter is a role that can be assigned to any user in the platform. It is assigned in the Presentations module, to a Presentation. This role can be assigned by an Event Admin or higher. Presenters have presenter level access to the Presentation they have been assigned to, which means they have permissions to use their mic, camera and use share screen. They can also be given privileges to control the recording of the presentation in the Presentations Pro Live tab.
Moderator - Moderator is a role that can be assigned to Chat Admins and above in the platform. It is assigned in any of the modules that can have chat enabled. Moderators are selected from the dropdown when enabling Chat and selecting the Moderation option. Moderators can see the Moderated/To Moderate filters on the Chat they are assigned and can assign chat posts to Chat Admins.